James Butler Almshouses
Did you know that Bagshot has its own almshouses? The James Butler Almshouses are located on the same site as the Meade Court sheltered flats for the elderly, but are under entirely separate management.
The almshouses were originally built in the late 18th century, and rebuilt in a very similar style in 1928. The photo above is dated 1914 and shows, from left to right, Mrs Collier, Mrs Page, Mrs Silver and Mrs Holmes. June Green, who provided the information here, would love to hear from anyone who remembers visiting the almshouses before Meade Court was built, or to hear from any descendants of these ladies.
More recently the properties have been modernised and today provide comfortable accommodation for elderly people who are able to cope on their own. There are six single bedsit units, two double units (single-storey), and one two-storey cottage, plus a laundry facility and an overnight stay unit which residents' friends or relatives can use. Each almshouse is self-contained and has gas central heating and double glazing. There is also a very pleasant garden area for residents' use.
When vacancies arise, priority is given to applicants who have lived in Bagshot, Windlesham or Lightwater for at least two years or more. Applications are also accepted from elderly people living outside the parish, but who have children who have lived in these parishes for two years or more. This helps people who want to move into the area to be closer to their children.
The almshouses are run by Trustees appointed by Windlesham Parish Council. All inquiries should be addressed to the Cerk to the Trustees, 4 James Butler Almshouses, Meade Court, Bagshot, Surrey.
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