Do you have, or need, any Bagshot knowledge?
This page is one of several provided as a vehicle for posting questions related to Bagshot that other readers might be able to answer. Please scroll down to the message pad to ask a question or to provide answers.
Index page to local knowledge questions
A further page is dedicated to enquiries about people.
Green Lane
Kaye askes "Does anyone remember a strange structure up Green Lane before the houses were built. This would have been in the early sixties and I remember playing on it with all the other local children." [Jan 2023]
How did Jenkins Hill get its name?
How and when did Jenkins Hill get its name is a question posed recently. [Feb 2023]
A lion in Bagshot?
Melita : I
used to live in Bagshot in the late 60s and 70s and I seem to recall as
a young child rumours of a lion being kept above the butcher's shop can
anyone confirm this or is it just a figment of my imagination?
[Apr 18]
Bob Weller and Ian have both provided the answer - the
'lion' was actually a
very large Chow Chow dog which would stand in the open doorway of the
loading bay on the first floor
above Leonard's butchers shop overlooking Park Street.
TB Isolation Hospital
From Brian: I was in the army just after the war as a ambulance driver and I was stationed near Bagshot at a T B hospital. I remember its isolation wards but I can not remember its name. I had my first job there after I had started driving. Can anybody remember? [Aug 11]
Three different locations have been suggested
- That it was the Brompton Hospital Sanatorium which was built about 1904 off the Maultway near Heatherside. (location) [Oct 13]
- Tom Jones thinks it was at Burrow Hill, Frimley.[23-1-14] On a 1935 map this is named as Burrow Hill Sanatorium Colony (Tuberculosis).
- Judy wonders whether it might have been Prior Place Sanatorium. [Jul 15 X]
The late Lionel Parr wrote to say that he understood that the Brompton Sanatorium was used by patients who had been at the Brompton chest hospital in London with acute conditions and who moved on to the Sanatorium to complete their recovery. [Jan 14]
Roy Draper confirms the location of the Brompton Sanitorium from personal experience: I can remember Brompton Sanitorium as one of my brothers (John} was sent there after having a lung operation at the Brompton Hospital in London the Sanitorium was built on the Old Bisley Road it was surrounded by large pine trees which helped with breathing or so they say. I can't remember how we got there to see him as we never had a car then, I suppose we most have walked from the Avenue at Lightwater. [Aug 14]
A bit in Internet research reveals several references to Prior Place Sanatorium in the 1940s including the illicit use of a a now-forgotten treatment for TB called Tuberculomucin. Old maps reveal that Prior Place was a big house off Upper Choblam Road where Francis Way is now. Location. ( GR 490019 159934, Lat,Long 51.331387,-0.709297)
Shepherds Crowns
Ray asked: Can anyone offer information on the following. I have copy of a Surrey Heath Historical Society pamphlet dated May 1979, the topic "Childhood 1890", written by MER Rendell. The article mentions fossils that could be found in the Bagshot Sands, apparently Sea Urchins from the Eocene Period, these fossils locally know as "Shepherds Crowns". I have frequently asked if there was one on display somewhere but as yet I have still not found one. Any information or a photo would be appreciated. Oct10
From Kirko : I worked at Hall and Co pit in Farnborough in the mid 1960's and we used to get a number of Shepherds Crowns in the excavated material they were about 2 inches across may be a bit more. They were mainly grey in colour with markings on the top. [Aug 14]
Ray eventually found some information and a picture on the Natural
History Museum's website. Then the exhibits on show at a talk
given by members of the local metal detectorists' club included some
fossils - including the Shepherd's Crown shown here. This
example had been found on chalk near Farnham and has been varnished.
Wish Stream
Gill asks : Does anyone remember a stream on Bagshot common called the WISH STREAM, if so would it be possible for directions, guessing it maybe from top of College Ride in Bagshot. Feb10
June Green replied : The Wish Stream is still there, although more of a ditch than a stream in places. It can be traced, I once followed it eastwards and ended up in the RMAS. I think in some places it forms the boundary between Surrey and Berkshire. It flows through the RMAS and when they built Marks and Spencers/Tescos at The Meadows they had to culvert it. It flows into the Blackwater. Not sure where the source is. Oct10
... and also Allend : The only Wish Stream I am aware of is the one that arises in Wishmoor Bottom (North of Deer Rock Hill), flow West into the RMAS swimming lake, then on past New College , over the "Chinese Bowl" waterfall, and into the Lower Lake at Sandhurst. My old teacher, Ewan Stevens (at Yorktown School) said the derivation "wish" was "water", as in "whiskey" - water of life. No idea if this is correct of course. Oct10
I have recently had the opportunity to study some notes written by former Bagshot resident Lionel Parr and these can be correlated with the current 1:25000 OS map. While the OS map does not identify Wish Stream by name it is clear from Lionel's work that it is the stream shown on the maps running SSW from Wishmoor Cross and which also forms the county boundary line. It flows downstream into the RMA - agreeing with the descriptions given by both June & Allend. Exactly where it rises is not shown on the maps as the blue line of the stream does not extend upstream beyond Wishmoor Cross.
Terry, with whom I have now lost contact, asked "Does anyone remember Bagshot Radiator Service?" {Oct 08 xx} (location)
James Legge replied: "I knew Bagshot Radiators very well. The place had big black doors and was there for a long time. A friend named Doug Magrath worked there from the time he left school till the time it closed.I went in there a few times to have a radiator fixed and they were a very good company." [Dec08]
Jac writes: My
great grandfather John
Crowhurst was a blacksmith (born 1880). My grandmother used to tell us
that he shoed horses for the Duke of Connaught. The blacksmith's was
actually where Bagshot Radiators stood more recently. [Mar
Neil asks: Was he
CSM John Crowhurst MM of the Royal
West Surrey Regiment, killed on the Somme, 1916? If so, he was my great
uncle. [Aug 09]
The picture on the right of Bagshot Radiator Service is dated 1999 and comes from the Bagshot Archive CD.
very early school
Miles asks: I
wonder if any one
can help, I am trying to date a scrap of
printed paper, I have found
behind a painted panel which
reads "Sunday and Weekly School was lately been opened at Bagshott in
the Parish of Windlesham " (sic) this was a charity school with some
fee paying pupils, the commitee, subscribers met annually on the first
Monday in January. Another piece of paper is dated 1816. Does any one
know when the school was opened ? Thank you [Feb
Nick asks "Does anyone know where the name "Maultway" comes from? Is it connected with brewing or is there some other derivation?" 8009.108
We have had several replies. This from Lee : The Maultway as far as I'm aware was a sheep droving track and the name may be derived from this. Apparently sheep used to be kept on Surrey Heath and Bagshot Mutton was a delicacy! I am remembering this from schooldays but I think the information came from something like the Victoria history of Britain or some 1700s diarist - hope this helps. 552.308
This from Andy Pavord : I understand that the name Maultway comes from an Anglo Saxon word for sheep (Mault) and the Maultway was part of a restricted route for herding sheep to market without permitting grazing on adjacent land (although I cannot belive that the grazing in the area of the current Maultway and Maultway North was ever very good for sheep!). 8054xx.608
And this from Andy Vaughan : The Maultway, which runs along side the stretch of land called the Chobham Ridges, was common land prior to the 19th century. The name Maultway comes from the ancient sheep-track which used follow the path of the present road. It was used to drive the sheep to market at Crondall. The sheep were driven down from the Berkshire Downs via Pangbourne, Wokingham, the Easthamstead plain then down the Chobham ridges to Tongham, where they then turned west to Crondall where the market was situated. I got this information through The Surrey Heath Museum some time ago but can also be found by consulting Gordon Wellard's book "The Story of Camberley 1798-1992". 8065xx.808
Duke's Wood
R Whitnah writes from the USA: Back in 1971, my family lived in a home named "Dukes Wood" on the Bracknell Road. I would be most pleased if someone might provide some historical info about this estate. A tennis court and a pool were added since, according to satellite photos. There used to be several large, stone chess pieces adorning the front fence and driveway. It had a Bowling Green, Wishing Well, Paddock, and a Stagecoach from the late 1800s in the garage. Bette Davis lived in the house during a movie shoot, just prior to our occupancy. I would LOVE to see current pics, historical and current info. I have a pic taken in 1971 that I can share with anyone interested. 7050iv07
The late Lionel Parr wrote : I
believe one of the two
following houses is/was Duke's Wood: xi08
General Rome had a house built here
before 1914. It was brick, with a
white entrance gate. Other houses have been built in its grounds since
the 1970s.
An adjacent detached house was built
ca. 1937 and was (is?)
distinguished by having a drive and turning circle for cars. This house
may have belonged to a Mr Smith(?) who was car dealer from Hounslow.
From Samantha King : I, too, lived in a home called Duke's Wood in 1971 or 1972! It was a brick Tudor. There WAS a wishing well, but I remember lions in the front of the circular driveway. We had a relentless mole! I would also love to know the history of the house since. Any pictures from then or now would be welcome! [Jan 18]
Dukes Wood house can be seen in this Google steetview image (or at least it could when I pasted it) and its location can be seen on a range of maps from here. As for its use since the 1970s - there is now a 60 acre gallops behind it, and a quick Internet search associated the address with a race horse trainer.
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Building work in the 1860's
Mike Rafter asks My Great Great-Uncle Herbert Turner was born in Bagshot in 1866, his father Harry was a builder and had previously lived in London. I was wondering whether there was any large-scale building going on in Bagshot in the mid 1860's. 7026.307
& A Fisher Ltd
Tim wrote : "I have a Morris Minor which had a caravan conversion added to it by a coachbuilder called L & A Fisher Ltd, Bagshot, Surrey, around 1970. I would be interested if anyone remembers this or knows any info on the comapny as I am trying to trace the car's history." 6104Aug06
Wendy tells us: "I have a brochure from Fisher Holivan Ltd which was Fisher Caravans built in Hull. This was their sales office and my husband delivered their mail from 1968 and he thought they were built there. [220Sept06]
Ian provides an authorative answer "L & A Fisher were my father Alec and his brother Les. Unfortunately they both passed away many years ago. I do have some old photos that were taken of their range of vans, but I don't remember seeing any pictures of Tim's conversion. The chassis work would have been done at Weybridge, and the coachworks at Bagshot. They sold the business in 1975 and the factories closed soon after. The new owners then moved up to Hull." [8005.108]
Peter writes : "I have recently acquired a Caravette conversion carried out by L A Fisher of Bagshot. Can anyone supply me pictures of the premises or ideally any of the vehicles built by L A Fisher. Could Tim provide a photo of his conversion so that it can be compared to mine." [8046Jun08] Peter's vehicle is the red and white one shown here. Unfortunately I cannot contact Tim as he has changed his email address and I do not know his new one.
From Gordon Clarke, now living in Australia "I worked at L&A Fisher coachbuilders in 1962.We built the chassis, caravans and furniture at the same premises. Later on the chassie building was sub let." [May08]
A plea from another new owner: " I am interested in ANY just ANY photos of the small Fisher caravan , we have just got one! Yes its not in good condition , its got springs on the chassis, which Iam told makes it quite old , any contacts with workers or Photos , Many Many thanks, Sue" [Jun10]
From David : I have recently bought a caravan that I'm told was built in the 1960s by L & A Fisher Ltd. I'm m told it is a Siesta and was produced solely to be towed by the then new Mini or even a motorbike and sidecar. Could anybody provide me with any information regarding this as I would love to restore it to its original condition. {Jan11}
From yet more proud owners, Julie & Mick "Anyone out their who knows anything about Fisher Holivans? We bought one in July 2011 - a 1975 Fisher in excellent condition looks like it never been used much. Any information please ... " Please reply via this website. Though Julie gave permission to publish her email address I never do this to avoid it becoming a sourse of spam. [Sep 11]
Several people have written seeking information about Holivans. Ian regrets that he is unable to help, saying "It is great to see that the Fisher Holivans are still around. I now live in Hampshire and occasionally see one. Unfortunately the old photos in my loft have no info as to which model they might be. The business was sold when I was a boy so have no useful knowledge myself. I did visit Bagshot a few years ago and there is an aerial photo of the factory on the wall of Jack's fish and chip restaurant nearby."
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VLT Products
Brian asks if anyone remember VLT Products on the A30 {May11}
Tim Wild : I remember this company well. It was an automotive paints supplier located on the A30 by-pass close to what is now Jacks fish and chip shop. I didn't go in there much but it was always good for paint for my first cars in the late 70's and early eighties. They would make the paint up on the premises to your order. They also sold red oxide and primer in bulk also abrasive papers, masking tape etc. [Mar 16]
P Baggs : VLT
was at what is now the Bagshot Repair & MOT Center,
next to
Speedy's tool hire. There was a house on the front and paint and
materials sold from there. Caravans were made in the shed
the house and when that finished VLT used the shed for sales, the
manager was Steve. Jack's Fish was Bert's transport cafe.
There is a photo on flickr.
[Nov 16]
The location is here.
Moore's Garage
This text is now relocated, please see here.
Gardening / Agricultural Show
Wendy believes there used to be a local show and writes:
I am looking for any information on the local Agricultural (Gardening ?) Show which I believe was held at Bagshot Park each year. I will be looking in the local papers but would like any information before starting that search. 220.0403
There has not been anything like that in Bagshot Park for the past 30 years, but looking through a history published in 1990 by the Bagshot Society it is clear that in the late 1800's an annual show was held, though at least prior to 1880, presumably not in Bagshot Park. The following is quoted from a local newspaper in July 1880: "This trim and pretty village was quite a stir last Tuesday and Wednesday when the annual show of the Bagshot & Windlesham Horticultural Society was held under auspicious circumstances owing to the increased interest of the venue and their Royal Highnesses' consent to present prizes."
Ron Frost tells us: Many events used to be held on land behind the "Kings arms" pub in Bagshot square. In the 1940's one of these was the Agricultural gardening and handycraft show, another was a circus.
Lionel Parr has no recollection of such events at Bagshot Park from 1928 (he grew up on the estate), but recalls that there were occasional fetes and pageants at Pennyhill Park in the 1930s. He corroborates Ron Frost's recollection, saying that events were held in "Mrs Fuller's fields", between The Cedars and Bagshot school. xi08
Margaret recalls : as I child I can remember the various fetes, shows etc that were held in these fields (which were rented by our family to graze cows) and also Bagshot Band of which my Father (George Soane) was Band Sergeant - I presume these activities were discontinued after Mrs.Fuller who lived at the Cedars passed away and the land was sold as by that time the family business with the livestock and butchers shop etc had ceased. I might add that Bagshot Band was a very active band and regulary performed at all the local events and comprised mainly of players all from well known local families. v9
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The Cedars and the Waterer family
An email from Canada:
My grandfather Bert Waterer grew up in the Cedars estate, Bagshot, Surrey and his family owned the Waterer's Nurseries. My mother went to England in 1985 and went thru the Cedars and was given a key to one of the rooms. It is very beautiful and the Shop owner across the street from it told her that at one time royalty went there for tea. Bert was the son of Alphonso Waterer.
There is a little more about Waterer's nurseries here
Questions and answers index.
Many of my pages have been prompted by, or include questions or information from, my readers. If you can add anything to the above please write to me using the message pad below.
This page is part of the Bagshot village web site.
Data provided only for personal background information. While every effort has been made to provide correct information no assurance as to its accuracy is given or implied. Check any facts you wish to rely upon.