Do you have any knowledge of Bagshot families?

This is one several pages provided as a vehicle for posting questions related to Bagshot people and families that other readers might be able to answer. The index to these is here. Please scroll down to the message pad to ask a question or provide an answer. 

If you are seeking genealogical information about your ancestors then look at the page entitled "Tracing Your Family Tree" where I tell you where the old church records are archived, and offer some further suggestions and information sources to help your search. I am not able to provide any information from such old records or to conduct research on your behalf.

I have another page for general questions about Bagshot.


A correspondent initiated this dialogue about Miss Mala Brand (albeit calling her Marlow Bran) and her yellow Hudson. He also referred to her as a champion for the returning ex servicemen. [Dec 13 X]

June Green : It was not Marlow but Mala, she lived at Heneage Farm in Chobham and was a great character in the village. She canvassed on horseback when she stood for the rural district council. When the village telephone exchange closed in the 1960s she filled it with flowers for the two operators. She used to drive her car the wrong way along Chertsey Road in Woking - they changed the direction and she "couldn't be bothered" to remember which way she was supposed to go. Her parties at Henage Farm were legendary, the "beautiful people" from London would come down to play at haymaking and other farming activities ... what started as a lunch party became a dinner party and drifted on into a breakfast party. I was told the social set she moved in included Edward and Mrs Simpson. I thought she drove a Panhard - I know it was large and long but it could have been a Hudson. [Aug 14]

Simon Whiteley : I remember Miss Bran, she helped my mum move from Chobham camp she and a load of people squatted in the pow camp. She helped mum move to The Avenue, Lightwater.  We rode in the big boot of the car. [Aug 14]

Another correspondent wrote :Marla Brand was a very flamboyant character that lived in Burrow hill Chobham just near the Four Horse Shoes pub. She was on the Bagshot Rural Council but I thought her car was a bright Yellow Packard. [Aug 14]

Peter Summerton : I have a photo of Her standing in front of an election poster "Vote for Mala Brand" circa 1948, and I do remember the big yellow Hudson. The photo was taken next to one of the 'Squatters' huts that stood where Manor Way and Green Farm Road are now in Bagshot. Also in the photo are an older gentleman I believe to be the Grandfather of Raymond and Janet Leigh (who are not in the photo), me and my twin brother Philip, my late elder brother Vernon, Margaret and Barry Holland, John, Patrick, Michael and Mary Beer, Margaret Crabbe and her younger brother Alan, Kenneth Wills, Jeremy Harridge and Louis Oikle. We all lived in these huts until, in our case, in May 1949, we moved into the new houses in Bagshot Green where my younger sister Pamela continued lived until her sudden demise in May of this year. My niece is now the third generation to occupy the house. [Aug 14]

Two adults and a group of children standing in front of a political poster, all wearing 1950s style clothing.

Back row left to right holding a dog, Margaret Holland, Vernon Summerton (feather across his face), Mala Brand (arms folded). The gentleman wearing a cap is I believe Raymond and Janet Lee's Grandfather, they are not in the photo.
Middle row left to right, Margaret Crabbe, Kenneth Wills, Peter Summerton, Philip Summerton, Michael Beer, then, [wearing feathered hats] Barry Holland, Patrick Beer, John Beer holding a toy gun, 
Front row, left to right, Alan Crabbe, Jeremy Harridge, Mary Beer, Louis Oikle.

From Nigel Blacker "The elderly gentleman in Peter Summertons photograph to the right hand side of Mala Brand was in fact, Herbert Daborn, my grandfather, who was something of a mover and shaker for Mala at the time. My mother has memories of riding in the bright yellow Packard and the infamous pet pig who she loved." [May 19]

Fred Gilliam has added :  Only certain tradesmen were allowed to go to Henage Farm, only whom she liked.  We had strict instructions how to behave.  The electrician I worked with suited her, and I had to go behind him with a dustpan, brush and duster.  This was in 1946.  To enter the house one had to go through a series of gates with bells on. At one time she kept a pet pig, and thought the world of it.
Miss Mala Bran, it may have been Brand, was very open to us, and was always talking about some Lord.  She was very connected with people in high society - she said that a Lord... gave her the car, a very large yellow American, I did hear that this car is in a museum in the New Forest. In her young days she had travelled a lot.  [Aug 14 X] 

Clive Cottrell :  I remember Mala Brand very well.  I suppose it was fair to say that she did cut a bit of a dash. Her car is the thing that I remember most as it was impressive by the standard of the day. It was a 1937 Packard 120c and price wise compared to other contemporary Packards was far from top of the range. I was offered the car after her death and have regretted that I did not buy it ever since. I have to say that I did not know her personally but I remember the Packard being parked outside the Kings Head in the High Street at lunch times half up on the pavement. I guess it was quite a land mark. [Dec 17]  

Sy Morse-Brown: In the 1950s my parents lived on the outskirts of Lightwater and knew Mala Brand who came on many occasions to our house. It was a couple of hundred yards from the road to the front door and she always made the trip with a poker in her hand in case there were muggers in the bushes.
Her bright yellow Packard 120 Coupe had an open air "dicky seat" behind the rear window in which I once rode. She had society connections and I remember her as highly eccentric. [Mar 18]  

There is a picture of a yellow Packard 120c here.

Neil : Family history research methods reveal that Mala Rhoda Brand was born in the Paddington district of London on 29 Nov 1903, the first, and possibly only, child of Russian-born merchant Simon Brand and his Yorkshire-born wife Henrietta Friend. Simon may have been a naturalised citizen of South Africa. The Brands appear not to have owned a house in London but instead resided in up-market hotels: the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensington; the Ritz Hotel, the Berkeley Hotel and Claridge's being recorded as their residences on such records as census returns, registers of electors, ship manifests and Simon's probate upon his death in 1924 - he left an estate of 24887 10s 10d. 

Mala travelled extensively to both South Africa and the USA. On one transatlantic crossing in 1931 she appears to be the travelling companion of Lord Beaverbrook. 

Mala Brand did not marry and died at Heneage Farm on 28 September 1978. She was recorded as being a retired journalist with an estate of [Oct 14, May 19]



Simon Whiteley asks: Who remembers Archie the tramp back in the 1950s. He lived in the wartime pillbox on the corner of Waterers on the A30 about 30 yards from the Lupin Cafe and used to walk around Bagshot with his garden rake. He would go to Sunningdale golf course and tread golf balls into the ground then go back later with his rake and retrive them and sell back to golfers. [Jun13]

The late Don Bradbury replied In answer to Simon Whiteley's query regarding "Archie", I do remember him around the village, back in the Forties. He certainly did "repatriate" more than a few of my father's prodigal "65s". But I rather think that his hunting ground was more the Royal Berkshire, up the Bracknell Road. I also recall, I think, that his "lair" at the time was in "The Old House", opposite The Three Mariners, where we kids were forbidden(!) to venture. When did that splendid structure eventually come down? [Aug 14 xx]


From Loraine Barrett : I also have had relatives live in Bagshot, Rosina Lily Barrett (1910) and Edith Daisy Barrett (1908) were both born there, and in 1911 are recorded as still living there on College Ride, with their parents, William & Mary Ann Edith Barrett. It would appear that William's father and his siblings were also born in Bagshot and may have lived in Providence Cottages on Guildfortd Road.  Other relatives include Silas George Barrett who married Emma Draper(born in Bagshot in 1865) in St Anne's Church on 16th December 1888. Also Lilie (a.k.a. Lily) Ann Barrett born in Bagshot in 1882 and in 1911 worked as a servant in Florence Villa, Bagshot, for an Ann Bacon. Lillie married George Albert Tedder (sdon of James Tedder) in Bagshot 21 Dec 1912.  Her brother Charles, signed the register as a witness. She died in 23rd Dec 1959, living at 88 Bagshot Green.  [Aug 12, Jul 14 X]

From Beryl : I think Rosina Barrett must be the (to me) old lady I remember from my childhood when growing up in Bagshot in the 1950's & 60's known as Rosie Barrett. She had very red 'rosie' cheeks which also struck me as appropriate. Presumably, if I recall the right lady, unmarried as her surname was Barrett! She lived in College Ride and I recall her walking along College Ride and Church Road always ready to stop and have a chat with my mother or anyone else she encountered. Rosie regularly visited Fortuna's Cafe for a cup of tea (maybe a meal) and a chat................. [Oct 12]

From Ian : Beryl is spot on with her recollection of Rosie Barrett. Rosie lived next to Alan Gosden, who has contributed to this website before his untimely death. My Gran Lily spotted Rosie's bloomers on the line and filled them with scrunched-up newspaper. You've guessed it; Alan got the blame! Rosie spent a lot of time in Fortunas, as well as the Dolly Varden, and the Little Chef. Regrettably she was easily teased and many of the children in Bagshot at the time will have recollections of that! Rosie did occasional work at Pennyhill when it was in the hands of the Heywood family, usually in the kitchen if I remember correctly. Rosie was definately one of Bagshot's colourful characters. [Dec 12]

From Trevor Beebee  My parents ran one of the newsagents in the high street during the mid-sixties. Rosie Barrett was a regular customer, I remember her well (though just a teenage paperboy at the time) exchanging banter with my Dad. [Dec 12]

Please reply using the message pad at the foot of the page.


Ann Sargeant (nee Batchelour) would like to hear from anyone with Batchelour connections or information. [688.1106]

Please reply using the message pad at the foot of the page.


Gale writes: I am trying to trace information about the Benwell family. I have details of my Gt Gt Grandfather, William, born in Bagshot c1832. He is listed in the 1881 census as conducting the business of a baker. There also seems a connection with hairdressing for the previous generation also William listed in various trade directories in Alton. So it is possible the family moved to Alton around mid 1800s. Any help would be appreciated. ref521.0305 r605.1204

Two family members contacted Gale through this web site, one adding:  The William Benwell born in 1832 and a baker was also my great great Grandfather. He married Martha Spier. His son Frederick was my great grandfather, and his son Percival Harold my grandfather. ref 651.0306

Please use the message pad at the foot of the page with any further information.

Rose Hannah Brown, James Brown and Elizabeth

Pauline writes I am looking for any information about the Brown family. [509.105.507]

My gt, gt, grandma Rose Hannah Brown was born in Bagshot in about 1842. her parents were James Brown and Elizabeth (could be Barnes). She married my gt, gt, grandpa William Miller in Bagshot in around 1860-65.

They had 2/3 children born in Bagshot...Thomas, Caroline & maybe Louisa. They then moved to Cambridge town, Camberley where they had 5 more children...William, Henry..(my gt, grandpa), Charles, George & Rose. Finally, they moved to Sandhurst & had Elizabeth, Amelia, Alice & Fred.

Rose Hannah Miller (nee Brown) died 1888 aged 45 in Sandhurst.

Please reply using the message pad at the foot of the page.

Lance Corporal Herbert Brown

Herbert died in WW1 and  is recorded on the village war memorial, but we have been unable to find out much about him.  See here for his details, any contributions wil be most welcome.

Peter Burrows

Dave Brightman wrote me a very nice letter reminiscing abut his time in the area mentioning Peter Burrows who was a milkman in the area in the late 1950's. Peter had a small farm (Heatherside Farm along the Maultway) and a refrigerated lock-up behind the old Lupin Cafe on the outskirts of Bagshot.  [406 X]  

Nick saw this and wrote: "I was most interested to read of Peter Burrows and the fact that he had a farm along the Maultway - Heatherside Farm. I am currently compiling a history of Heatherside and whilst I am aware of the Stokes family and their involvement with the farm Peter Burrows is an entirely new name. I was wondering if any more information regarding Mr Burrows has come to light?"  

The late Lionel Parr recalled Peter Burrows being in his class at Bagshot [elementary] School, hence he was almost certainly born between September 1923 and August 1924. It was Peter Burrows's father who had the farm, certainly from the late 1920s. Lionel adds that there were three unrelated Burrows families in Bagshot.

Alan recalls that in the late 1950's he used to help Peter deliver the milk, and remembers going to Heatherside with him.  The round extended as far as Deepcut Camp. 260.404

Another reader writes Peter Burrows delivered our milk during the 1950's.  My earliest memories are of him having a cart drawn by a brown and white piebald horse. Autumn 2005

Ron Frost writes : I think the farm referred to was at the top of the Folly (as we knew it) and also had the Lightwater laundry in it. It was farmed by a Miss Pascoe during the war. She delived milk that was rich in cream door to door in a purpose made can filled manually from a churn carried in a pony and trap. Housewives would take a jug to their door and the milk was ladled from a measure. ref 612.0106

From Sylvia Champion : I use to do a milk round with Peter Burrows starting at the Lupin Cafe where my uncle Jack Dyer was Manager. We did indeed go as far as Deepcut stopping there to have breakfast in the Keys Cafe. Peter came to my wedding in 1964 but I have been told that he sadly died sometime ago.[Dec 12]

Please reply using the message pad at the foot of the page.

James Baines (1821-1867) 

Diane visited the Bagshot web site because she wanted information about where her great grandfather lived.  She writes

My great grandfather (James Baines b 1821) lived in Bagshot, in a house overlooking the cemetery where he is now buried.  Family history has it that he started Waterers Nursery and was cheated out of it as he couldn't read. Probably not true but an interesting story, and I wanted to know whether Waterers Nursery still exists and when it was started. 

Also if there are any other descendants of his 7 daughters out there I would LOVE to hear from them. [133]   

More on this story.  Enquiries about James Baines are now concluded.

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Bowers and Parker

David wrote asking if anyone has any knowledge of his Grandparents (Henry Bowers and Mary Ann Parker) who would have lived in Bagshot about 1900. David has now passed away, but his enquiry prompted quite a bit of correspondence. . xii8

Neil wrote: My name is Parker and I believe there may be a connection here, I think my grandmother or grandfather, Daisy and Frederick Parker who started the Parkers of Bagshot Garden Centre in Guildford Rd may have been related to the Bowers in some way, I have a very old photo of a "Uncle" Walter Bowers, we are currently researching our family tree but have come up against a brick wall prior our grandparents, any info would be much appreciated. ii9
And later provided this update: We now know that Mary Ann Bowers was the sister of my grandfather (Frederick Parker), we have traced the line back to our great great grandparents. iii9

In connection with Neil's comments, Ernest Potter wote: There is a direct link (I believe) via the wife of Henry Parker who was a daughter of Walker Bowers (called Walter in one census) and his wife Maria. I think Henry married Violetta Bowers. One of her brothers was John (b1850) who was my great grandfather. John's widow, Rhoda (nee Williams, died 1928), settled in Queens Road, Mitcham.  The Bowers were travellers, transient agricultural workers, basket makers, horse dealers. Children were born in various villages in Surrey. A number settled in Mitcham. My maternal grandmother was Maria (or Ann) Bowers, daughter of John and Rhoda. Maria married Ernest Hutton, had eleven children and moved to Harefield, Mddx in 1916. I have contacted descendants of several children of Walker (born c.1820) and Maria Bowers. At one time the Bowers and the Parkers were neighbours. [Oct 09] I think that Walter's daughter Trephina Bowers married a Parker. [Dec 16]
William Bowers, his wife Myra and nine children (all of whom were born in different places across southern England) appear on the 1861 census as "People not living in houses". They are recorded as living in tents by Gravel Pits, Fairmile, Cobham,Surrey. The location is probably here. William's occupation is given as "traveller and hawker".  [Aug & Nov 14]

I am keen to learn of any members of the Parker/Bowers family line descended from Walker Bowers. My great grandfather was John Bowers (b1842) son of Walker. [Jul 15]

There is more about the Bowers and Parker families on the page about Half Moon Street.

From Ian Roberts {Aug10}

I also have Bowers from Bagshot in my family tree....My 4th great-grandmother was Sarah "Sally" Bowers b. abt. 1776 in Bagshot ...Sarah married William Collins on September 5, 1802 at Windelsham (possibly christened December 10, 1780 at Egham, son of Richard Collins and Penelope unknown)

a lady and two men wearing circa 1950 clothes sitting on a cerpet in a garden. Sarah Bowers and William Collins had my 3rd great-grandmother Sarah "Sally" Collins, born 1804 at Bagshot, who married William Hyatt b. 1802 Old Windsor, Berkshire (son of William Hyatt and Elizabeth Conas)...Sarah Collins and William Hyatt had my 2nd great-grandmother Jane Hyatt b. 1847 Egham, who married Joshua Hatton b. 1847 Preston, Lancashire (son of John Hatton and Isabella Atkinson) and Joshua Hatton and Jane Hyatt had my great-grandmother Eveline "Minnie" Hatton b. 1888 Surrey, who married my great-grandfather James Joseph Fields Virgin b. 1891 Boston, Lincolnshire in 1911 in Wandsworth...

From Leo : My mother, Marion Farrow, lived in Bagshot from 1940-1946 and she remembers a Peter Bowers who was a friend of her cousin the late Graham Cox of Waverley Road. She thinks Peter Bowers lived in Guildford Road near the viaduct. This photo from my mother's collection was probably taken around late 1940's early 50's and shows her, Graham, and Peter (on the right).  Graham had brought Peter up to visit my mothers family who then lived in Gomm Road, Bermondsey and the photo was taken in their garden. {May 11}

From Marilyn Hills (nee Kircher) : I went to school with Peter Bowers in the late 1950's.  He and his family lived at the bottom of Bagshot Green and I used to go to his house to play, I wonder if he would remember? Happy memories of a long ago past.  I also wonder if anyone knows what happened to Michael Lee from Chobham he was a plasterer and married a nurse . [Oct 12]

From Peter Bowers : I remember us playing in the back garden at 34 Guildford Road. The person in the picture with Graham Cox is my elder brother, his real name was Walter but they called him Pete. Thinking back they were the good old days. We visited last year - how times have changed. [Jun 14 X] At Peter's request I have passed his contact details to Marilyn.

From Ann Roberson (nee Kircher) It  was lovely to see the photograph of my cousin Graham Cox and second cousin Marion. Sadly Graham died but Ive let his brother John know about this website. I do remember the Bowers family who lived at the bottom of Bagshot Green. Pam Bowers was in my class at School and I think Peter was younger. [Oct 12]

Tagg, Bowyer and Skilling

Another reader writes: 573

I am looking for any information about the Tagg, Bowyer and Skilling families who lived in Bagshot around 1750 - 1850.  I am descended from Mary Bowyer, daughter of Thomas Bowyer and Sarah Skilling and William Tagg son of Thomas Tagg and Rebekah Hill.
To which Alan Bowyer-Tagg adds
I may be a descendent to the union of the Tagg and Bowyer families of Bagshot. My father was Gerald Charles Bowyer-Tagg born 1936. His Father was Cecil Charles Bowyer-Tagg born probably early 1900's. [Jun 16 X]  
Gill has replied that she has a Bowyer Tagg in her tree, albeit Bowyer as a middle name not a hyphenation, and is now liaising with Alan. [Aug 16]  

Bowyer & Draper

A message from Sam, for whom I no longer have a contact address, triggered a lot of correspondence.: 7075X.1007

I have recently started my family research and have been led to Bagshot via my paternal great grandmother Nellie (Ellen) Draper who was born in Ash. All but one of her siblings were born in Bagshot as were her parents Charles Draper and Sarah Bowyer. I can trace via census records both the Drapers and the Bowyers and Sarah's grandmothers Mary Ann Thomas and Sarah Champion back to 1851 - all from Bagshot.  I have no info except from the census and I am interested in getting in contact with anyone from those families.

Andy was able to add 8003X.108

Charles Draper and Sarah Bowyer were my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. My grandfather was Fred Draper, brother of Nellie. The parents of Charles and Sarah were (apparently) Onesiphorus Draper and Mary Anne Thomas, date of marriage 19/8/1846.

From Lee 552.308

I also have a Charles Draper as a great great grandfather through his daughter Laura Jessie (which was fun to track down on the census) Without my notes to hand I'm not sure if we are talking of the same man in the same generation but I think you will find that the Drapers of Bagshot trace back to Windlesham and were a dynasty of Broom Makers. It is possible that they trace further back to a blacksmith in Windlesham but I haven't verified this yet. Hope this helps.

From the late Lionel Parr xi08

There were at least four Bagshot families named Draper in the 1930s. One of the village's three bakeries was run by a Mr Draper. Another Draper kept poulty in a house named Lyncroft, behind the church. There was a family named Draper at the top of Jenkins Hill, and another on Guildford Road.

From Bill Draper iix09

My GGG Grandparents were Onesiphorus & Mary Draper, through Frederick & Louisa then Arthur & Louisa then Albert & Alice then Robert & Edith. It is rumoured that Frederick had an an accident in his saw mill and died. His widow Louisa remarried a George Cobb and moved to Banstead. All contact was lost with Bagshot. Does anyone have information about Fredrick or Onesiphorus and the Bagshot relatives
To which Mary Stokes replied  [Dec09 x]

My GGGGrandparents were Henry 1812 and Eliza 1822 (Russell) Draper. Henry was brother to Onesiphorus Draper. Other members of the family were Mary 1810, James 1814, George 1817, Caroline 1821, Onesiphorus 1823, Rhoda 1825, Isaac 1828, Rhoda 1829, Rosanna 1830, Fanny 1833.

and from Joanne Hone [Mar 19]

Louisa Ann Coles is my x3 Great Grandmother. She married Frederick Draper, had 3 children and, yes, he did die aged 26.  She remarried George Cobb. Their daughter, my x2 Grandmother Louisa Jane Cobb was born in Bagshot. Louisa’s father was James Searle, mother Mary Ann Coles. The name Searle can be found in Bagshot. The Draper tree extends via marriage to 1500’s.

From Beth Somers [Nov09 X]

Herbert Darper and his wife and Alice (nee Aldington) had three sons and lived at 2 Laurel Cottage from about 1908, before which they lived at College Ride

From John Horspol [Aug 12 X]

My great aunt's name was Rose Caroline Draper and lived at said cottage. She had, I think, more than three brothers I can only name two though Christopher and Amos. Chris and his other brothers I cannot name was killed in the first world war. Amos survived ,as a child I met him, he was badly injured and he died shortly after the 2nd war. Their father was a bricklayer he kept a couple of pigs out the back. I remember Aunt Rose telling me about Queen Victoria visiting Bagshot. Foolishly I never prompted her to tell me of the her past family.  When married she spent the rest of her life at Hayes Harlington, Middx. Though she knew many of the old Bagshot families. Her niece my mothers 2nd marriage was to a Fred Berry whom lived at the top of College drive they lived at Lightwater.

From Meredith [Jan 12 X]

My great great grandfather was Fred Draper and he was born in Bagshot. He emigrated to Australia in 1857 where he married a girl called Maria MacDougall and proceeded to work for the mounted police rounding up bushrangers and later becoming a publican. His father was James Draper.

From Pamela [Oct 12 X]

My father Stanley George Draper lived at No.4 Vicarage Road in the early 1920s with his Grandmother. He can't remember his Grandmother's first name but she had 3 sons and a daughter. The son's names were George, Tom and Bill and Bill also lived in Vicarage Lane and was a builder. He lived in a semi detached house and my father thinks this house did not have a number only a name. Tom and his family moved to Windlesham at the end of the 1920s. 

There are further references to Draper and Bowers families in Half Moon Street and Ray asks about the Draper family who lived in, and perhaps build houses in, Vicarage Road

Robert Allen

Robert writes [#604 X]

I was born in the Nursing Home in 1948 and left Bagshot in 1970 to move to Canada. I do miss my home town -  lived next door to the Three Mariners pub. My uncle operated Bagshot Radiator Service on Jenkins Hill and I still have some family in the village. I have a picture on my wall of The Square which was drawn by a police officer. I will always have pleasant memories of Bagshot.

Alan Edwards has written to say that he remembers Robert well, also his sister and her family.  I was able to put them in contact. 7019.307
Robert has also contributed to the 'memories' page.  Unfortunately I no longer have a contact address for him.

If you can add anything to the above please write to me using the message pad below.

This page is part of the Bagshot village web site.

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Data provided only for personal background information. While every effort has been made to provide correct information no assurance as to its accuracy is given or implied. Check any facts you wish to rely upon.

The Boud, or Bowd, enquiry has now been resolved and removed. [Jan 14, Aug 14]

The Major John Thomson Mckellar Anderson, VC DSO, enquiry is now closed. [8064.808 May12 X] Major Anderson is commemmorated on Bagshot's War Memorial and on the Roll of Honour hung in the Parish Church of St Anne.  

The Bennett enquiry is now closed. [592]

The Best & Baigent enquiries are now closed. Jun10 X