Do you have any knowledge of Bagshot families?

This is one several pages provided as a vehicle for posting questions related to Bagshot people and families that other readers might be able to answer. The index to these is here. Please scroll down to the message pad to ask a question or provide an answer. 

If you are seeking genealogical information about your ancestors then look at the page entitled "Tracing Your Family Tree" where I tell you where the old church records are archived, and offer some further suggestions and information sources to help your search. I am not able to provide any information from such old records or to conduct research on your behalf.

I have another page for general questions about Bagshot.


Sharon writes: I have been told that my great grandmother, Alice Vince was a Sunday School teacher at the chapel in Bagshot. I wondered if anyone can confirm this. I think it would have been around the 1820's - 1850's.  [06 ???]  

Wendy writes: "I lived in Bagshot and there was a Mrs Vince living just up the road in Myrtle Cottages. She had something to do with the Methodist church and because I was friends with her twin grand children I went to the Methodist church with them. She died when I was young in the late 1950s or very early 60s [Dec12]


Bob Weller writes: I remember as a child going for afternoon tea at Miss Wardle's house on Jenkins Hill, she was the local magistrate, school governor and librarian and had two Dandie Dinmont dogs (think thats spelled right) and kept bees.  My fascination for bees has stayed with me and a warm bee buzzy afternoon in the garden of a stately home or open garden takes me back to those days and the visits that I made on several occasions. Miss Wardle was always fascinated by my thirst for knowledge and hunger for books, she allowed me an adult reader ticket way before I was old enough as my reading skills and interests were outgrowing the junior library. What a shame the house was demolished and built on as I remember it as being idyllic on a summers afternoon. [Sep 12]

Wendy writes that there were two Misses Wardle, "one was a councillor (Wardle Close named after her) and librarian, and the other looked after the garden and the bees. She died first and the other moved to Lightwater. [Dec12]

Catherine writes:  I remember Miss Wardle very well, when she worked in Bagshot Library. And I remember Freddie one of her dandie dimont dogs who used to be at the library with her - Freddie was a very friendly fine fellow of a dog, held in much affection by youngsters like myself who loved books but also loved dogs! Ms Wardle was a lovely lady who I remember with much affection, a true lady through and through. I think Miss Wardle used to live at one of the houses close to the railway bridge in Bagshot. [Dec12]

Alison Nash adds : Bob Weller's account is as I remember Miss Wardle.  She and her sister had a fantastic massive house and grounds on Jenkins Hill on the right just as you leave the village towards Camberley with lovely mature Rhododendrons. They both moved around 1974 as I recall to a house in Lightwater. [Oct 2017] 

Adrian : I can confirm that there were two Misses Wardle.  For reasons which I don't remember, as a small boy in the 1970s I accompanied my Dad to the house.  [Dec 2017] 


Stephen is seeking information about the Wakeley family who, at the 1901 census, were living in Bagshot in what was then called Brew House Lane. [Jul 12  ???]


Al Holmes writes from Saskatchewan, Canada, that he is a Waterer descendent via his Grandmother (Thelma Waterer) and Michael Waterer was his 6th G Grandfather. Al is looking for information on his family roots in Bagshot and Woking ... any information of the Waterer family would be appreciated. Can you help, or perhaps are you a member of the family and would like to contact Al. [320 03 Jan10]

Lionel Parr recalls that when he was working in the kitchen garden at Bagshot Park in about 1943, one of the other gardeners, Mr Wickens, recounted that there was a Gomer Waterer who was at that stage an old man and living at Knaphill, near Woking. [Jan 14]

James Hamilton Garside writes: Waterers Ltd apparently "acquired" land owned by the Clements family in Bagshot who had lived in the area since at least 1762, for their nursery. I would be interested to know how/if it was "purchased" from my great grandfather Albert Clements.  [Sep 13 ???]  Please reply via the message pad below if you can throw any light on this matter.

There are contributions about the Waterer's nursery and its history here

Webb, Champion

The 1871 census lists Mary A Champion (widowed nurse born about 1816 in Farnham, Surrey) and Kate Webb (domestic servant, single born about 1855 in Frimley Surrey) among those in the household of Michael Waterer (retired nurseryman born about 1825), Belle Vue House, Bagshot.  Ann Sargeant would like to contact from anyone with knowledge of Mary or Kate. 688.606

Cherry writes: I believe that Mary Champion may have been one of the witnesses at the marriage of Richard Mason (Snr) to Frances Humfrey on 23 July 1868 at Bloomsbury in London. Richard was a nursery owner in Windlesham at the time. The other witness was a Mary Cox. 7084.1107

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Margaret wrote looking for information on John and Ellen Webster who lived in Windlesham in  the late 1800s. John (Joseph?) is believed to have worked at the Cedars in Bagshot, possibly as a Butler. Later he was Butler for Lord Onslow.  

and in a later  message... can somebody clarify the difference between The Cedars, Bagshot, and The Cedars, Windlesham? The 1891 and 1901 censuses show Ellen and children living at Windlesham (no name of house or road)(RG12/554) John was butler both times at what I presume was the town house of the Caldwell family in Audley Square. Having visited the parish church at Windlesham, we presumed the Cedars was the house next door to the church. Having seen the picture of the Cedars in Bagshot I am now confused as to exactly where they lived. Information from Surrey Archives contact states on children's birth certificates John is resident at The Cedars. Help! I know where John was in 1871 (Heading Park, Easthampstead) and 1881 The Royal Ascot Hotel, Sunninghill, and then in the early 1900s he was Butler to Lord Onslow at Clandon Park, so if I could just work out which is the correct Cedars the picture would be complete. Many thanks.

The late Lionel Parr wrote: The Cedars of Bagshot was the home of Admiral and Mrs Fuller in the 1930s. It may originally have been built by one of the Waterer family.

The Cedars at Windlesham is indeed a big house next to the church. It was an important Home Guard administrative building during World War II - possibly a Company Headquarters of the 1st Surrey Battalion, Home Guard. I recall participating in parades in front of it.

Margaret, thanking Lionel for his information, tells us a bit more that she has gleaned about John Webster: It would appear that the Cedars, Windlesham, was the "country" home of Eleanor Caldwell, who was widowed at quite a young age. She was living there in 1881, but on  the1891 and 1901 censuses she is at 3 Audley Square, London, where John Webster was recorded as her Butler. However John's wife and children were in Windlesham on the census dates - presumably they stayed behind to "keep house" at Windlesham. The births of the children at Windlesham state John Webster of the Cedars as father.

So it looks as though it was at the Windlesham Cedars that Margaret's ancestor was butler. 

Pat adds : The Caldwells, who lived at The Cedars Windlesham, provided the land to enable the Almshouses in Windlesham to be built. The Caldwells are buried in Chobham Victorian Cemetery.  [Dec 16] 

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Woodrow & Hastings

Margaret Mayes has written:

My family was bought up in Bagshot. My father was killed in active service in Germany in the last week of the second world war. We lived mainly in Park Street in tiny terraced cottages long demolished.

We had very happy days of freedom up at Bagshot Common - how different it is for children nowadays.

Lovely to see pictures of Bagshot on the web site.

. Advert is here


From Jane

One of my gr-gr-grandmothers was born at Mary LeBone, Bagshot, according to a record I have. She married Thomas Wild(s) Unknown date, lived in Bagshot and had a family of 8 children. Thomas died in Bagshot around 11 Sep 1857; Margaret died 7 April 1863 in Chobham and both are buried in Bagshot. Their daughter Diana Wild(s) is my direct line and she was born in Bagshot around 19 Mar 1799, and died in America in 1864. Oct08

From Ian

My great great great grandmother Lucy Wild was born in Bagshot in 1818, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Wild. I believe her brother William Anthony lived in the family home at Kennel Lane with his family until at least the 1901 Census. His granddaughter Rosa Wild was born in 1873.   Jul10 xxx

If you can add anything to the above please write to me using the message pad below.

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