St Anne's Church was built in 1884 in the hey-day of Victorian church building to a neo-gothic style largely with the patronage of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, who lived near-by in Bagshot Park.
The attractive building is red brick with stone detail under a slate roof. There is a bell tower with a peal of 8 bells. It is grade II listed and situated in a conservation area. The attractive appearance has not been corrupted by further development.
There is a fine pipe organ (rebuilt about 30 years ago) and building acoustics which performers find attractive.
In recent years considerable restoration has had to be done: the roof has been re-slated, the interior redecorated and woodworm treated. New central heating boilers have been installed and the heating generally upgraded.
Time is beginning to take its toll on the external stonework and a programme of restoration to this, and repointing of the brickwork, has been carried out.
Internally there are conventional pews seating up to 300. Space at the back provides an area for conversations and coffee is served in the new adjoining Church Centre. The choir are seated in the chancel. In addition to the main altar, there is a second altar forming what is known as the 'Stuart Chapel' in memory of an early vicar of the parish.
This second picture is about 100 years old. The building looks the same, but this view, taken from across an old mill pond, is now partially obscured by the growth of the yew trees that can be seen in the church grounds and by other hedgeing.
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