Take-away Fire

a fireman wearing breathing apparatus working in thick smokeSometime during Sunday 10th October 2004 a fire started in the Chinese restaurant in the High Street.

While walking along we saw a number of fire engines heading towards the local Chinese take-way.

There were at least three engines and a number of fire fighters working in and around the building with a ladder at the front into an open window and ladders at the rear and up on the roof. According to a witness flames could be seen coming out of the steel chimney extraction pipe at the rear. During the course of the fire, fire-fighters appeared to be trying to tackle the fire from the rear and from inside also wearing breathing apparatus and using hoses to dampen down the roof and spray under the tiles at the rear. After seeming to have successfully doused the flames at the lower chimney the fire had moved and it was necessary to move the hose up and spray under the roof tiles where flames could be seen licking out from the loft area.

Three firemen on a first floor roofFinally, after another small concern back on the lower roof they had done their job admirably, though the unfortunate owners who could be seen nearby would have to return to their smoke and fire damaged building to see what, if any possessions could be salvaged from their home and business.

After a serious fire on our Island in Hampton where we lost four buildings, I had every sympathy for the owners.

These fire fighters are commendable in their courage and ability to go into these unknown and highly unpredictable situations.

 two red fire engines, plus a fireman, in front of a shop with smoke billowing from the rear
Firemen having their breathing apparatus checked in preparation for going into action


Contributed by Russ Nash

