Bagshot WI
Bagshot Women's Institute are a friendly group who warmly welcome new members to their meetings on the first Thursday afternoon every month at St Anne's Parish Hall, Church Road, Bagshot.
Central to most meetings is a 45 minute talk, slide show or demonstration by a guest speaker, followed by tea and cakes and socialising. Subjects range from illustrated travel talks to the life of a famous person, and various demonstrations such as glass blowing, painting and antiques to various entertainers of music, song and comedy.
Members and guests arrive at 2 pm for a 2.15 start. As with many WIs, Bagshot's meetings start in the traditional way singing Jerusalem. The talk is preceded by a short 'business' session and the presentation of hand-made buttonholes to those members with birthdays that month.
In addition to the regular meetings, outings and various social activities are also arranged, including Christmas and summer parties, some events are in conjunction with other WIs in Surrey.
Please join us at St Anne's Parish Hall on the first Thursday in the month at 2.15pm and enjoy a varied, interesting and entertaining programme.
Bagshot village web site.
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