1st Bagshot Scouts

Bagshot Scouts now have their own website.

Bagshot's Scout Troop is among the oldest in the country, founded in 1909. Aspart of their centenary celebrations they set about accumulating and recording the history of the group and the reminiscences of former members. Among the material that has come from that and is now on their website is a history.

From Ron Frost : During WWII the Canadian Army had a base in Bagshot Park and used Rapley Lake for boat drill. Ater the war the 1st Bagshot Scout troop held week-end camps there. In 1947 one of the Canadian Army huts was transfered to an old quarry ground off Waverley Road by the scouts themselves and they used it for many years. 612.0106

From Andrew McDermott: I joined the 1st Bagshot Wolf Cubs back in the early 1960s, leaving in early 1963 when we moved away from Bagshot. I remember well the old hut close to the railway viaduct, the summer Saturdays out on the field oposite the Catholic Church playing games. My Mum Stella, helped with the Cubs along with Jack Straw who was Akela at that time. I well remember doing Bob - a - Job around College Ride each Easter. Wolf Cubs was something to look forward to on a Saturday. I remember at least one occasion when vandals had got into the hut and dropped the latch so we could not get in. We went to Gilwell Park once, but I can't remember the occasion or even if I was in the cubs at that point. I kept up my scouting for many years after leaving Bagshot becoming one of the youngest to gain my Wood Badge to become an ASL. 642.1206

From David Waskett : I was a Patrol Leader of Hounds Patrol of 1st Bagshot troop c 1960 - 1963 when I moved away. Mr Dollery was SM and he ran a fish and chip shop near the railway viaduct, chips after troop meetings were 4d and 6d. I remember some wonderful summer camps with Jack Straw.

A fellow PL was David Oates whose father joined the troop. Where are you know David? I was best man at David's wedding at Meriden Warks about 1970. The scout hut was near the rifle range beside the viaduct on the station side. I remember going to boxing classes in the rifle range. 7056.707

Neil writes: I too was a member of the 1st Bagshot wolf cubs in the early to mid 60's. After the Saturday morning meet I was allowed to stay at my Grandfathers woodyard under the viaduct which you had to walk past down the lane to get to the cubs meeting hall. I remember Jack Straw, does anyone remember the lady's name who helped him run the troop? ii9

Kim writes: My Grandfather, Fred Parker, gave access to the scouts and others through his land and regretted doing so as this was the same access used by the Parker family and clients. [Dec 12]

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