The next newsletter is here.
The most important news is to tell you about is that the Bagshot website now has its own URL I had been toying with the idea for some while but when I had problems with both the hosting services I had been using I decided that enough was enough and I'd go for it. You may wish to bookmark this new location.
It was time for a re-organisation of the site content. I've done most of that but I still want to do some more so a few pages may change again. The area for questions and answers had grown a lot since I started it and I have taken the opportunity to break off topics to separate pages and to integrate some of the Q&A with existing pages.
The addresses I use for most website correspondence is unaffected by this move of hosting service provider. But if you have got my personal email address in your address book you might like to drop me a line to get my new personal address as the dabsol service is now unsupported and I fear that it will die one day soon.
"That was a really beautiful place to live." So comments Derrick after viewing my pictorial tour and showing his son where he used to live. Derrick now lives in Australia and has not been back to Bagshot for 30 years - but hopes to soon. Coincidentally, Derrick does not live very far from Bagshot, Australia , which he describes as a rural area, no shops, near Bendigo, Victoria.
Re-structuring and extending the pictorial tour will be the
final part of
my web site update, so I hope Derrick and all my other visitors will
the extension when it is done.
On occasions over the past several years I have reported the 'progress'
St Anne's church's desire to build a new church centre. Well, at long
I am pleased to be able to report that it is going ahead. Planning
was eventually granted, albeit with more restrictions than the church
have liked, contract negotiations have been completed and the builders
on to the site in mid August. The building, which will be called the
Pike Centre after the parishioner whose generous legacy to the church
enabled the building to be built, will be at the rear of the church and
will hardly be seen from the road. Even so, a particular feature of the
has been that it blend in with the existing church building. The photo
is a view of the church that very few people ever see - taken looking
the field behind the church. The sketch is an artist's impression of
new centre relative to a sketch outline of the existing building. The
design of the centre differs slightly from this sketch, but it does
to give a general impression.
The centre provides toilet facilities, a kitchen, storage, and an office in addition to a meeting room that can be partitioned.
The Parish Hall, further down Church Road, nearer the village, is not affected by this new development. The hall will continue to be available for all the numerous groups and village functions for which it has been used since it was built about 80 years ago.
Nothing to do with Bagshot,
but I thought you might be interested
... the BBC in conjunction with the Oxford English Dictionary are
to trace when words first came into use and have a list of 50 they are
to enlist the public's help with. - but they need written evidence of a
use, not a personal memory.
For ex-pats - BBC local radio is now available as an audio stream on
Internet. For Surrey (together with Sussex and part of Hampshire) see
and follow the link for audio.
There have been several
additions to the Bagshot website since
my Easter newsletter, many as
a direct result of
information sent to me by readers, for which I thank you.:
Some updates have taken rather longer to get on than I aim for, and some are still in the pipe-line.. Apologies if you've been waiting to see your material appear on the site.
I aim to ensure that my web pages are convenient and easy to read. Looking at other people's pages I observe that many are done with smaller characters than I use, this gets more information on the screen but may not be as easy to read. Would you like to help me with a little survey? I have created versions of this newsletter in several different character sizes and will be most grateful if you will tell me which you prefer. You can use the message pad at the end of the page to do this. Feel free to add any other comments you wish. |
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With best wishes to you, and those you hold dear.
God Bless,
The Christmas 2005 newsletter is here
The opinions expressed here are those of the
author, writing on
his own behalf and not representing anyone else or any
copyright © 2005 Neil Bartlett and licensors. All rights reserved.
The latest newsletter is here