Greetings from Bagshot
Sharon Cross, curator of the local museum, is planning an exhibition later this year to be called Looking Back at Bagshot. She wants to gather reminiscences for this and I am sure that many of you who contribute to this website should be able to provide her with a wealth of material. Topics might include what was the village like then? Where did local people work and shop? What did they do for entertainment? Where did teenagers go to socialise? Family life, school and work were all different in the pre-computer age, when fewer residents had cars and a TV was still a luxury. Sharon would love to hear from you. If you have memories which could be included, photographs which you would be prepared to loan for copying, or items for display please contact her. Memories can be included anonymously or attributed to the writer, as preferred. Website: SURREY HEATH MUSEUM , email or phone 01276 708284.
I know why the press call the summer months the 'silly season'
- nothing much happens! I've been scratching my head to think what news I
can include here this time - and the answer is not a lot. The water main
under the bypass burst for the umpteenth time - which must get most frustrating
for Jack's Fish & Chips, and those who want to eat there, as it puts
them out of action until it all gets sorted out. We've had a 'zebra' pedestrian
crossing installed in the High Street - how it could take over three weeks
for the work beats me. Oh yes, and the silliest item of all has to
be the Broadmoor Siren - it is tested every Monday with a few seconds 'alarm'
followed by the 'all clear'. But for what seemed like months it was going
the wrong way round. Apparently the phone company had, quite literally,
got the wires crossed. It is a good job it was not required for a real!
I have had a lot of messages come in since the last newsletter, and must apologise to those writers whose reply was somewhat delayed. It's hardly an excuse but this Family History lark is far too addictive!
Following the piece in the last newsletter about the Silver Jubilee celebrations, I received this from Frank Papworth, now living in Western Australia
It was good to see the item on the Silver Jubilee. I remember it well for so many reasons, dad (Edd Papworth) was a key organiser and spent month organising, the storm that threatened to wash out the event but just caused a short break before everyone let loose for a riotous evening, being beaten in the final of the tug of war by a group of 15 stone babies and girls (at least that how they were dressed. I doubt Bagshot had seen anything like it before and may never again. Our friends from near and far came, participated and still talk about what a great day it was.Thanks for the memory. Keep up the good work. I'll pass on a printed copy to mum dad who are still fit and well.
Along with lots of correspondence, as I mentioned earlier,
come lots of new material on the website, including
- An authoritative history of the Dolly Varden cafe
- The "memories" page has a large contribution from Peter Summerton, also a contribution from John Evans. Peter also about the Hero.
- Do you have photos of The Square in the time of Duncan Hamiltons, and especially of the showroom?
- More memories associated with Bagshot Park and about Indian ceilings, also staff in service
- A report of the RAOS successor's Founders Weekend
- More about Laurel Cottages which Alan dates to pre-1881.
- No sooner had I posted the question "Where does the Maultway get its name from?" than I get three readers sending in answers.
- Do you know of a Collingwood School or College for Girls from the 1920's
- Can you shed any light on the Jolly Farmer pub's involvement in an epic motorcycle journey in 1934
- Gavin tells us that the Fighting Cocks used to be called the Black Boy, and asks if anyone knows any more of its history
- Martin Treadwell asks if anyone remembers him from the 1960's
- More about the PoW camps
- More about Fisher vehicle conversions
- Another highwayman tale
- John Evans' memories of the old cinema
- Tim thinks the ugly building that was in Pantiles' car park was a war-time food store. Do you know? Now that Pantiles has closed, I'd be pleased to collect memories of the venue to add to the site.
Another Draper connection from Lee
- Peter writes about the Tilbury family
Information is sought about
- Jack Davis who married Laura Mary Gosden , both being in service at Bagshot Park.
- Mr Philbrook who was associated with Mr Kemp (coal merchant) and building work in Moscow.
- Stone Hill House, Guildford Road
- Thomas Taylor described in 1868 as late of Surrey House Bagshot and Sydney NSW Australia
- Major John Thomson Mckellar Anderson, VC DSO Enquiry now closed.
- Drennan's farm
- George Rudwick, chaplain to the Duke of Connaught
With best wishes to you and those you hold dear.
The opinions expressed here are those of the author, writing on his own behalf and not representing anyone else or any organisation.
The previous newsletter was in the spring. The next one is Christmas 2008
copyright © 2008 Neil Bartlett. All rights reserved. Published privacy statement.
ps: each time I do a mailing telling friends like yourself about one of these 'update' pages I get several bounce back as undeliverable because the intended recipient has changed their email address, and I have no way of knowing what it has changed to. So if you change your email please remember to put me on the list of people to tell if you want to keep in touch. |